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Digital Physiognomy

A computer screen displays the Digital Physiognomy software analyzing facial features to reveal personality traits and detailed character analysis.

Digital Physiognomy is an amazing tool that uses human facial features to tell a person’s character. It runs on Windows 98, Me, 2000XP, and Vista operating systems and employs advanced neural network technology to analyze physical appearance and relate it to one’s psychological traits.

There is ongoing debate about the scientific credibility of physiognomy and phrenology, but Digital Physiognomy offers a practical way of evaluating these conventional techniques.

You can use Digital Physiognomy software to create detailed profiles based on such specific features as eyes, eyebrows, forehead, cheekbones, chin, nose, mouth and ears. Such compilations produce an overall picture of character in user-friendly graphical form.

The aim here is not prophecy but comprehension on how others view you as well as your ability to pick up personality patterns from other people.

The key functionalities are:

  • Psychological Trait Analysis: These include temperament, intellectuality, optimism-pessimism orientation, conformism-nonconformism tendency, selfishness-egoism, benevolence-humanity, laziness-industriousness, honesty-dishonesty, sexual coldness-promiscuity, luck-fortune in love or business, and humor-wit-talent for jokes.
  • Detailed Reports: Generate detailed printouts or save them as HTML files.
  • Famous Faces Library: Explore the facial characteristics of such great personalities as Mel Gibson, Mao Zedong, Winston Churchill, Tom Hanks, Edison, and Stalin (Joseph). With over 900 faces in our extensive library, we will help you understand their characters better.

Whether you have a penchant for physiognomy or would simply like to know more about facial features, digital physiography offers both amusement and enlightenment. Download demo version to try out all its potentialities yourself.

For more in-depth look into the subject matter, it will be reasonable to buy full version with complete library access plus extra features unlocked

Order now Digital Physigno and plunge into the thrilling world of physiognomical character analysis.
